

  • About


Morris House is home to 20 vulnerable young people who have been homeless, sofa-surfing, rough sleeping or at risk. Many have fled an abusive situation and arrive with few or no belongings.

In response to the ever-growing need for supported accommodation in our local area, we converted our obsolete sports hall to create "Morris House" comprising 20 new self-contained flats.

Now we urgently need a new roof - work needs to start in September because it must be completed before winter 2024 or we have any storm damage. 

We are seeking donations to fund the roof so we can continue to spend our own limited reserves on supporting the vulnerable young people who need our help.

Although renovations to the roof have taken place over the years, it has now come to the end of its life and needs a complete overhaul. We have had quotes of £100,000 for the repair work.

As a local independent charity, we rely on grants and donations to fund much of our work. Any donation you can give will help, no matter how small. 

If you are a local business who can help raise funds or support our charity in kind, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Thank you.

Case Study - former YMCA Cornwall resident

Ben grew up in an abusive family where beatings were common, there was often no food in the house and his parents frequently locked him in a cupboard under the stairs.

Ben was 11 years old before the abuse came to light and he was placed in foster care.  When he was 16 his foster placement broke down due to difficulties within the family and Ben was at risk of becoming homeless. 

Ben was referred to YMCA Cornwall as a high priority case and moved into one of our new self-contained flats. With our help he developed the life skills that many people learn from their family, enabling him to live independently and carry on with his studies while starting to make plans for the future. He actively volunteered in the community and managed to secure a part time job.

When Ben was ready to move on, we helped him with six months’ resettlement support to ensure he settled in well. He went on to University and continues to thrive living in a place of his own.

(Name changed to protect identity, but the facts are real.)